The image showcases "The Cigar Companion" in brown bonded leather, a must-have for cigar enthusiasts, adorned with a pattern of handmade cigars at the top and bottom. It is positioned upright on a gray surface, with other books partly visible in the background.
The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) features a refined cover perfect for cigar enthusiasts, adorned with embossed images of handmade cigars showcasing different labels. The text appears in an elegant blue and is centered and embossed, enhancing its sophisticated look.
The image displays a brown bonded leather book titled "The Cigar Companion," ideal for cigar enthusiasts. It has embossed illustrations of handmade cigars on the front cover, arranged vertically around the title, which is presented in black uppercase letters. The spine of the book is also visible.
An open book titled "The Cigar Companion" (Brown Bonded Leather). On the left page, a collage of colorful cigar bands beckons cigar aficionados. The right page features the bold title text on a plain white background, celebrating the art of handmade cigars.
An open book, ideal for cigar enthusiasts, showcases two pages on cigar production. On the left page, there is an illustration of a Cuban tobacco plant with labeled parts. The right page features a photograph of someone working in a verdant tobacco field beneath a clear sky. This is truly The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather).
The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) opens to pages 92 and 93, inviting cigar aficionados. The left page features a headline, "2 THE CIGAR DIRECTORY," above a photo of cigar ends. Meanwhile, the right page showcases text under "The Cigar Directory," accompanied by neatly arranged rows of handmade cigars pictured below, forming a visually structured layout.
An open book reveals the wisdom of The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather), showcasing an enticing image of a cigar store interior. On the opposite page, three handcrafted cigars—a dark, medium, and light—are presented against a pristine white backdrop. Each cigar is clearly labeled, offering a genuine pleasure for any enthusiast or reader of The Cigar Companion.
An open book titled "The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather)" reveals two pages. The left side showcases written content, a table detailing cigar names and prices, along with an image of the factory where these handmade cigars are crafted. On the right page, three cigars and a cigar band capture the interest of aficionados with their diverse lengths, colors, and intricate textures.
The open book displays The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) for cigar enthusiasts. On the left page, there's a description and an image of five handcrafted cigars neatly placed side by side. The right page features a single cigar positioned vertically, alongside a table detailing various sizes and the renowned Montecristo logo, characterized by its red triangle and crossed swords design.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The image showcases "The Cigar Companion" in brown bonded leather, a must-have for cigar enthusiasts, adorned with a pattern of handmade cigars at the top and bottom. It is positioned upright on a gray surface, with other books partly visible in the background.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) features a refined cover perfect for cigar enthusiasts, adorned with embossed images of handmade cigars showcasing different labels. The text appears in an elegant blue and is centered and embossed, enhancing its sophisticated look.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The image displays a brown bonded leather book titled "The Cigar Companion," ideal for cigar enthusiasts. It has embossed illustrations of handmade cigars on the front cover, arranged vertically around the title, which is presented in black uppercase letters. The spine of the book is also visible.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, An open book titled "The Cigar Companion" (Brown Bonded Leather). On the left page, a collage of colorful cigar bands beckons cigar aficionados. The right page features the bold title text on a plain white background, celebrating the art of handmade cigars.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, An open book, ideal for cigar enthusiasts, showcases two pages on cigar production. On the left page, there is an illustration of a Cuban tobacco plant with labeled parts. The right page features a photograph of someone working in a verdant tobacco field beneath a clear sky. This is truly The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather).
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) opens to pages 92 and 93, inviting cigar aficionados. The left page features a headline, "2 THE CIGAR DIRECTORY," above a photo of cigar ends. Meanwhile, the right page showcases text under "The Cigar Directory," accompanied by neatly arranged rows of handmade cigars pictured below, forming a visually structured layout.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, An open book reveals the wisdom of The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather), showcasing an enticing image of a cigar store interior. On the opposite page, three handcrafted cigars—a dark, medium, and light—are presented against a pristine white backdrop. Each cigar is clearly labeled, offering a genuine pleasure for any enthusiast or reader of The Cigar Companion.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, An open book titled "The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather)" reveals two pages. The left side showcases written content, a table detailing cigar names and prices, along with an image of the factory where these handmade cigars are crafted. On the right page, three cigars and a cigar band capture the interest of aficionados with their diverse lengths, colors, and intricate textures.
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, The open book displays The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather) for cigar enthusiasts. On the left page, there's a description and an image of five handcrafted cigars neatly placed side by side. The right page features a single cigar positioned vertically, alongside a table detailing various sizes and the renowned Montecristo logo, characterized by its red triangle and crossed swords design.

The Cigar Companion (Brown Bonded Leather)

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The Cigar Companion is the perfect study-side guide to unlocking the delicate intricacies and delicious undertones of handmade cigars—including the history of cigars, a buyer's guide, and profiles of 70 current top brands of quality cigars complemented by full-color photographs.

Much more sophisticated than their slimmer, machine-made counterparts, a good cigar offers a certain levity and celebration. Often compared with fine wine, the way that good cigar products are made and the quality of the ingredients are reflected in the flavor of the final product. The rich history of enjoying cigars has seen many changes, yet hand rolling remains a valued practice among cigar aficionados—there are just some things that machines cannot copy.

The time-treasured practice of harvesting, drying, and curing the leaves has a deep traditional background and has shown innovative developments that offer new experiences to cigar smokers. There are many different ways to make cigars, and even more ways to discern its quality once it is in the hands of the consumer.

  • Bound by hand in bonded leather 
  • 224 pages
  • Size:  5.05" W x 1" D x 8.6" H